Ward Hadaway’s Continuing Professional Development programme
30th June, 2022
This page is the home of this year's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme; a training programme by Ward Hadaway for our HR and employment clients and contacts.
This programme, which has been spread over the past year, has looked at six key topics which people teams come across day in day out. We have discussed recent innovations, challenges posed by the changing face of the workplace, and recent case law updates.
We ran these sessions alongside sector specific training, tailoring the topics and cases to those working in education and for charities. To watch the videos relating to education, please click here. For access to the videos relating to charities, please click here.
From October ’21 through to June we have covered 6 key topics.
- Recruitment, Contracts of employment and Handbook
- Managing capability: performance and sickness absence
- Grievances and Whistleblowing
- Discrimination and Family friendly rights
- Dealing with misconduct: investigations and disciplinary matters
- Employment Tribunal claims
The recording of all of these sessions are now available to watch at your leisure.
If you have any questions about any of the topics covered in the videos below, please do get in touch.
Please note that this briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.
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