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Our visual identity incorporates a vibrant and colourful “mosaic” pattern, which at times we have animated, and we appreciate that this may affect certain people’s ability to read the text surrounding these graphics.  If you would like to switch off these aspects of the site, please click the toggle above. This will set a cookie to remember your choice. Please see our cookie notice for further details.

We endeavour to make sure that every page complies with the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0), as part of its Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

We’re continually working to make sure our site is as accessible as possible. But we know we still have work to do. Some areas for improvement include:

Audio descriptions, captions and transcripts aren’t always available for older videos, or webinars, but we will make transcripts available on request (see below).
We don’t have audio descriptions for videos, but we try to use visual content in different formats where we can.

We have chosen not to use accessibility tools on the website, like overlays. Usage in the past tended to show that tools like these were less effective than ensuring our site was fully accessible to standard tools which people tend to employ, like screen readers.

We will continue to assess our site’s accessibility, and seek independent review to help identify areas for further improvement.

How This Benefits Visitors

To illustrate how compliancy has made this site accessible, we have listed representative disabilities below and explained how this site meets the users’ needs.

Visual (Impaired)

Those with visual impairments (e.g. myopia) can scale on all pages on the site to suit their own requirement. All text on pages is scaled, including all menu items.


This site may be fully accessed using any voice-controlled computer and web browser.


For those that have difficulty using a mouse, keyboard access is supported by using standard shortcut techniques. This site can be fully navigated without the use of a mouse.


The layout of this site is uniform on all pages. The main menu is structured identically on all pages (i.e. any page can be accessed from anywhere in the site).


There is no flashing text on this site which could – in extreme cases – cause difficulty for some suffering from particular neurological disorders.  We have also enabled users to switch off the animated graphic and colourful banners on the site should they wish.

Hearing (Impaired)

We have been unable at present to incorporate captions over all videos or transcripts for all podcasts, but instead request that should you have hearing impairment and wish to listen to a particular video or podcast, please contact us and we will find alternative means to share this with you.

Text Scaling

All text on this site is specified in percentage terms, meaning that its size can be increased inside the browser window for easier viewing. The ability to support text scaling varies from browser to browser, but given below are some guidelines for the latest versions of the more popular browsers:

  • In Internet Explorer, select the View | Text Size menu command. You can then choose from a range of text sizes (Largest, Larger, Medium (default), Smaller and Smallest). Note that some, older versions of Internet Explorer cannot resize images.
  • In Chrome, select the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar, then settings, then advanced settings. In the Web Content section, use the Font size menu to adjust text size.
  • In Mozilla Firefox, select the View | Text Size menu command. You can then opt to increase or decrease your text size.
  • In Opera, select the View | Zoom menu command. You then have range of percentages to choose from. Opera scales everything on the page, not just text, so images will also increase in size as you increase the zoom factor.
  • In Safari (Mac OS), select the View menu command. You can then opt to make text bigger or make text smaller.

Even the same browser product can behave differently on different platforms. Check with your supplier for details.

Give Us Your Feedback

We are committed to providing an accessible service. If you experience problems or have any suggestions for improvement, please email us at

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