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Can I enact a rent suspension clause in my commercial lease?

Most rent suspension clauses in commercial property leases are unlikely to come to the assistance of the tenant. These clauses normally apply only where the premises has suffered substantial physical damage and are, as a consequence, incapable of being occupied, used or accessed. The coronavirus pandemic does not involve any physical damage to a property, loss from the crisis will be purely financial. Such losses then will not be covered by the landlord’s buildings insurance policy in a way that will allow a tenant to claim rent suspension.

Related FAQs

Capability issues

All organisations have underperformers. Capability is a potentially fair reason to dismiss and is separate to any redundancy procedures.

Generally, capability falls into either absences through illness or underperformance in the role. Those who are absent through sickness can be furloughed, but when furlough comes to an end they will need to go back onto sickness. If you are looking to tackle absence then you need to tackle long term and short term absence in a different way.

Long term absence: You need to establish whether the employee is able to return to work (with or without reasonable adjustments) in the medium term. This requires medical opinion and be careful of disability issues. Reasonable adjustments are likely to be important.

Short term absence: You will need to demonstrate that you have fair absence triggers in place and there is normally be a 3 stage procedure: warning and final warning followed by dismissal on notice. Each stage needs a fair procedure, with written information, a fair hearing and the opportunity to appeal. Be careful of disability issues.

As for underperformance: To tackle this, you will need to have clear SMART objectives in place and evidence of the employee failing to meet these. There would then normally be a 3 stage procedure: warning and final warning followed by dismissal on notice. Each stage needs a fair procedure, with written information, a fair hearing and the opportunity to appeal.

The Government

Government’s Covid-19 landing page

Covid-19 recovery strategy

Working safely during Covid-19

Working safely during Covid-19: construction and other outdoor work

Working safely during Covid-19: factories, plants and warehouses

Working safely during Covid-19: labs and research facilities

Working safely during Covid-19: offices and contact centres

Working safely during Covid-19: other people’s homes

Working safely during Covid-19: restaurants offering takeaway or delivery

Working safely during Covid-19: shops and branches

Working safely during Covid-19: vehicles

Business support: loans, tax relief and grants for businesses, employees and self-employed people

Education and childcare

Housing and accommodation: renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities

Housing and accommodation: moving home

Housing and accommodation: planning inspections

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: NHS guidance for people working in healthcare

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: PPE hub

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: adult social care guidance

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: adult social care guidance

Healthcare workers, carers and care settings: health, care and volunteer workers parking pass and concessions

International travel and immigration: travel advice for British citizens travelling abroad

International travel and immigration: foreign travel advice for each country

International travel and immigration: waiting to return to the UK

International travel and immigration: essential international travel guidance

International travel and immigration: advice for UK visa applicants and temporary UK residents

Government’s financial support for businesses

This page help businesses find out how to access the support that has been made available, who is eligible, when the schemes open and how to apply.

Rishi Sunak

The Twitter feed of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, where he has published various responses to some FAQs from the public.

Is the current pandemic an event which will allow me to argue that the lease has been ‘frustrated’?

This is unlikely. Frustration is a doctrine rarely used as a way of getting out of leases. It operates to bring a lease to an early end because of the effect of a supervening event. It is then not a concept readily applicable to a situation where one party is looking to get out of a lease. To be able to argue the doctrine of frustration, you must be able to demonstrate that something unforeseeable has happened that makes it impossible to fulfil the lease and unjust to hold a party to its obligations.

This is not something that can be demonstrated easily.

There was a case in the High Court last year when the doctrine of frustration was looked at in a case involving the European Medical Agency.

The court found that Brexit did not frustrate EMA’s lease. EMA was granted leave to appeal that decision to the Court of Appeal, but unfortunately, the parties settled out of court so the arguments were not tested in the higher court.

Another reason why frustration is likely to fail is an argument that, whilst the current lockdown may force closures to businesses and whilst such closures maybe for a lengthy period, such closures will only be temporary.

Can I collect health data in relation to Covid-19?

Yes. With respect to employees you have an obligation to protect their health so you can gather information to do that. You might gather information from your employees on who has the virus, who has had it and recovered and also who has tested negative. You might also want to know if individuals have been in contact with someone who has it or if they are in a vulnerable group. It is reasonable to want to know where individuals have travelled. In the future it may also be reasonable to know if they are planning to travel to a virus hot spot, as the impact of the virus around the world is likely to continue for some time even after the outbreak has been contained in the UK.

It is reasonable to gather some information about visitors to your site, be they customers or suppliers, as this information will also help protect your staff. However, you should keep what you gather to a minimum. For visitors, it’s unlikely that you need to know anything more than they have Covid-19, are displaying symptoms or have recently been in contact with someone who has the virus.

Would you suggest using a different name for a MHFA, maybe a MH champion, to encompass the wider pro-active role?

This may be a good idea – whatever name they are given, it is essential that MHFAs are empowered to take a proactive approach to organisational mental health and that they have the bandwidth to be able to discharge their responsibilities.  The name should reflect the culture of the organisation, the key aspect is awareness and accessibility – identifying a name for your company that supports this is key.