Flying high: Celebrating the North West’s Fastest Growing Businesses
23rd May, 2023

We are delighted to announce that the Ward Hadaway North West Fastest 50 is back for its 10th year.
The awards, which take place annually, celebrate the fastest growing, privately owned profitable businesses across the North West.
2023’s Fastest 50 demonstrates that business is thriving across North West towns and cities. The region boasts several sector strengths including a booming technology and digital hub, a hugely innovative advanced manufacturing and engineering industry and a robust retail, leisure and hospitality sector which positions the North West as one of England’s strongest regional economies. The list demonstrates the region’s resilience in the face of a challenging trading environment over the last few years.
Liz Bottrill, executive partner in our Manchester office, said: “What strikes me about North West businesses is their vision. This personifies what’s so great about the region’s businesses – their dynamism, forward-thinking attitude, creativity, contagious enthusiasm and, above all, unwavering passion and laser-sharp focus to grow and succeed in an increasingly tough marketplace and constantly changing goal posts.
“2023’s Fastest 50, which generated a combined turnover of nearly £6bn in the last three years, perfectly illustrates how North West businesses are triumphing against the odds. In the face of incredible inflation pressures, rising interest rates, high energy costs and a tough recruitment landscape, businesses across our region are succeeding. They’re continuing to push forward, innovate, think outside of the box and bring a new perspective to doing business. The strength of character across all businesses, large and small, stands out and their positivity and productivity has led to prosperity and success.
“What I’ve always admired about the North West region is its entrepreneurial spirit, with a culture that encourages innovation, risk-taking, and the pursuit of new opportunities. This mindset drives creativity and a willingness to explore uncharted territories, leading to the birth of groundbreaking ideas and ventures.
“It’s also important to highlight the supportive environment that reaps great benefits for North West businesses. From funding access to grants and incentives, the region provides a favourable climate for entrepreneurship to thrive. The North West also has several established collaborative business networks that understand the power of partnerships and knowledge sharing, and that promote cooperation and mutual support. It’s a wonderful place to do business.”
Chris Fletcher, Campaigns and Policy Director of the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, that provides a collaborative ecosystem for the region’s businesses, said: “We’re delighted to be once again joining forces with Ward Hadaway for the North West Fastest 50. Given the recent challenges businesses have faced, it is even more essential to recognise and celebrate those that have defied the odds and achieved remarkable growth.
“It is crucial for businesses to foster collaboration, exchange valuable insight, and pave the path towards collective success – not just for our city region, but for the entire UK. We’re thrilled that the first North West Fastest 50 event since 2019 will be taking place in-person, welcoming businesses from across the region. It will be a great day for the region’s business community.”
The Fastest 50 Awards ceremony takes place on Friday 9 June at an invite only ceremony at The Royal Exchange Theatre in central Manchester. At the event, the winners of three main categories – small, medium and large – alongside the overall fastest growing business of the year – will receive an award for their continued success.
Liz adds: “From innovative startups to established industry leaders, I’m looking forward to celebrating some of the region’s finest businesses and showcasing the entrepreneurship that sets the North West apart. It’s an important event for the region that ignites inspiration as we come together to recognise the remarkable businesses that drive the North West forward.”
Stay tuned to find out who 2023’s North West Fastest 50 winners are – the full list will also be published on our website.
What is the Fastest 50 all about?
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