Ward Hadaway’s plot sales team reports record 30-year high
20th February, 2020
Ward Hadaway’s plot sales team has posted another record year after successfully concluding the sales of thousands of new homes in 2019.
Working for some of the UK’s largest national and regional housebuilders, the team of specialist lawyers advise clients on the sale of completed new homes and on part-exchange transactions, where the buyer of a new home is selling their existing home to the housebuilder.

For 12-months to 31 December 2019, the 27-strong team helped to facilitate the completion of 5,449 new homes – up 24% compared to the previous year and another record high. This means for every one in ten new homes built and sold in the North of England, Ward Hadaway acted on the sale. In addition, the team also completed 789 part-exchange buy-ins and disposals to registered providers of affordable new homes.
The firm’s plot sales team is one of the largest and most experienced in the North of England with staff based at offices in Newcastle, Leeds and Manchester.
In addition to plot sales, the team also provides advice on freehold and leasehold matters, complex legal structures and estate set up.
Housebuilding is at an all-time high in England with 213,860 new build dwellings completed during 2019 – an increase of 9.5 per cent, while in the North of England, 55,010 new build homes were completed, up 10.5 per cent compared to the previous year*.
The team is led by Diane Lawton, Associate Solicitor and Head of Plot Sales at Ward Hadaway, who has 30 years’ experience of residential conveyancing, plot sales, part exchange buy-in and resales, estate setup and social housing. She said: “There is even greater demand for the provision of new homes and we are working with our housebuilder clients to ensure we help them achieve their goals for the sale of newly built homes.
“These are very strong results for Ward Hadaway and it is testament to my team and all their hard work to deliver an excellent service. I believe our experience, the relationships we have with our clients and our use of digital technology helped us to achieve such significant results last year.”
The plot sales team also uses a bespoke case management system which assists them in processing, managing, progressing and monitoring sales as effectively as possible.
* https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/live-tables-on-net-supply-of-housing – New Build completions
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