Local Authority round-up – 06/02/25
6th February, 2025
Our Local Authority round up provides brief summaries of topical information on a weekly basis, to keep you aware of the changes and updates relevant to you.
Ofsted sets out proposals for fairer education inspections and new, more detailed report cards
Ofsted have launched a major consultation, seeking the views of parents, carers, professionals and learners, on a new approach to inspecting and reporting on education providers. This applies to early years settings, state-funded schools, non-association independent schools, FE and skills providers and initial teacher education.
The new Ofsted report cards follow a clear message from parents, carers and professionals that reports should provide a more nuanced view of a provider’s strengths and areas for improvements. The new proposals aim to bring both preferences together, including a colour-coded 5-point grading scale together with short summaries of inspectors’ findings.
The proposals will differ slightly by education phase but in all cases will include a new focus on inclusions. Inspectors will also look at how well providers support vulnerable and disadvantaged children and learners.
For more information please click here.
April Pay Rise
Government lays legislation confirming the new National Living Wage and new National Minimum Wage will take effect from 1 April. This will provide a significant pay increase for millions of workers, improving living standards and driving growth.
The increase will impact over 3 million workers in shops restaurants and workplaces across the UK. The new legislation confirms the new National Living Wage will be £12.21 and the new National Minimum Wage will be £10.00 per hour from April. This is a 6.7% increase and a significant steps towards delivery the manifesto commitment to deliver a genuine living wage.
The legislation also increases the National Minimum Wage for 18-20 years old by £1.40 per hour, which is a record increase, boosting full-time younger workers yearly pay by £2500.
For more information please click here.
Health and Social
New NHS Appointment to Shape 10 Year Health Plan
Government have appointed a new minister to the Department of Health and Social Care. Tom Kibasi will work closely with the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to draft a 10 Year Health Plan in order to provide expert advice to the government on how to fix the broken NHS.
An investigation from September 2024 found that the NHS is in ‘critical condition’ amid surging waitlists and a deterioration in the nation’s underlying health. Tom has already led the drafting and directed the analysis for this report having over two decades of experience in the healthcare sector and is joint chair of three mental health and community NHS trusts, leading the charge to improve their quality of care and to help keep patients well in the community.
For more information please click here.
Upcoming events
Essential HR Training
Join our expert Business Immigration team on Tuesday 11th March at 10am for our online ‘Essential HR Training’.
This training will focus on the new Electronic Travel Authorisation (“ETA”) scheme which will be fully rolled out in the UK by 2 April 2025. We will provide in-depth guidance on the new scheme during the webinar, addressing potential issues that businesses need to be aware.
This session is aimed at HR professionals, business owners and business leaders. It will be of particular interest for businesses with a global workforce who regularly travel to the UK for work related activities.
To book your place please click here.
Places on the course are £100.
If you have any questions about the issues raised in this update, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Please note that this briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.
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