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Local Authority round-up 13/09/24

Our Local Authority round up provides brief summaries of topical information on a weekly basis, to keep you aware of the changes and updates relevant to you.

Planning and Housing

Government introduces ‘Renters’ Rights Bill’

The Government has recently introduced the Renters’ Rights Bill which is set to ban Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions for new and existing tenancies, as well as extend Awaab’s Law into the private rented sector.

It is hoped that banning Section 21 evictions will reassure tenants that they can challenge malpractice without the fear of retaliatory eviction. The Bill is expected to impact both new and existing tenancies, giving all tenants immediate security and assurance. The Bill comes as 26,000 households faced homelessness as a result of a Section 21 eviction in 2023.

In addition, the Decent Homes Standard will now be applied to the private rented sector in order to improve the standard of living amongst tenants. This is in response to the fact that 500,000 privately-rented homes contain the most serious hazards. It is anticipated that landlords who fail to address such serious risks can be fined up to £7,000 by local councils and could face prosecution for non-compliance.

It is hoped that the Bill will mitigate the current housing crisis, and supplement the Government’s commitment to deliver 1.5 million homes over this Parliament.

For more information please click here.


Government to restore neighbourhood policing

The Policing Minister has announced the nationwide rollout of a new training programme for neighbourhood policing officers, developed by the College of Policing, to improve standards and consistency across forces.

The Neighbourhood Policing Pathway is set to encourage officers to build relationships across local communities and equip them with the skills to solve issues that affect residents.

It is reported that 35% of people have experienced or witnessed anti-social behaviour in their local community in the last year, alongside a 30% annual rise in shoplifting, which remains at a record high. The training programme builds on the Government’s pledge to reduce crime and ensure communities feel safe and supported.

For more information please click here.

The new Labour Market Advisory Board to tackle rising unemployment

The new Labour Market Advisory Board will develop new ideas and initiatives for the Work and Pensions Secretary to consider as she seeks to reduce the level of economic inactivity.

This is in response to the fact that the UK remains the only G7 country whose employment rates have not returned to pre-pandemic levels.

The Health Secretary has recommended that cutting NHS waiting lists will return Britain to work. It is anticipated that the Board’s first meeting will examine the impact of ill-health on inactivity and how the Government can support more people into good work.

For more information please click here.

Upcoming Events

Maximising the UK’s immigration system in tech recruitment

On Tuesday 24th September, between 9am – 10:30am, at our Leeds office to discuss how your business can be well-prepared to leverage the full potential of the UK’s immigration system. Our experts will be discussing:

  • Understanding Skilled Worker sponsorship
  • Strategic Responses to Policy Changes
  • Financial Planning for Increased Costs
  • Exploring Options for Exceptional Talent
  • Maintaining Compliance

To register your place please click here.

Health and Wellbeing Conference

This year’s Health and Wellbeing Conference, led by Jamie Gamble,  is taking place on Wednesday 2nd October between 8:30am – 1:00pm at Newcastle Building Society. The expert panel will offer insights into how targeted health and wellbeing initiatives can enhance workforce performance and productivity. In particular, the session will cover:

  • Live Well, Work Well
  • Adapting the workplace health and wellbeing offer to our organisation
  • The future is yours to craft – a more personalised approach to wellbeing
  • Financial wellbeing and financial education
  • Creating supportive, empowering cultures

To register your place please click here.

WEBINAR: The New Procurement Act

Join us for The New Procurement Act webinar on Thursday 3rd October between 2pm – 4pm.

During this session, we’ll cover the latest developments in procurement case law and highlight critical changes to procurement procedures. We will also remind you of key topics like evaluation and effectively managing challenges.

Join our expert Procurement lawyers who will take you through:

  • Latest developments in case law
  • The transition from the existing procurement rules to the new Act
  • Using the new competitive flexible procedure and what that involves
  • Minimising risk of challenge through good evaluation and moderation
  • Getting standstill letters/assessment summaries right
  • Dealing with document creation and retention
  • Disclosure in procurement challenges – now and under the Procurement Act 2023

To book your place click here.

Please note that this briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.

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