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Local Authority round-up 20/09/24

Our Local Authority round up provides brief summaries of topical information on a weekly basis, to keep you aware of the changes and updates relevant to you.


Government increases investment in electric vehicles for the public sector

The Minister for Industry and Decarbonisation has announced that £88 million of joint industry and Government funding has been awarded to 46 projects to boost zero emission vehicle technology.

The projects set to benefit include the development of electric trucks for the NHS and Royal Mail, e-motorcycles and wireless charging solutions.

This support to the automotive industry seeks to create more ‘green’, skilled jobs across the country and deliver the Government’s commitment to grow the economy.

This Government hopes to develop ‘a strong, stable and pro-business economy, with the UK remaining an attractive destination for investment in the automotive industry’.

For more information please click here.


Academy Handbook 2024 published

The Department of Education has recently published the Academy Handbook 2024.

The key changes introduced in the 2024 Handbook are as follows:

Finance leases [5.25] – trusts can now enter into finance leases without the prior consent of the ESFA but only if the lease category appears on the DfE’s approved list.

The approved list can be found here.

Reserves [2.8] – The new Handbook emphasises that trusts must draw up “a clear plan for managing reserves”.

Consent for Electric Vehicle Salary Sacrifice (EVSS) [2.31] – trusts will now need to contact ESFA in the early stages of planning to offer a new salary sacrifice scheme for electric vehicles or before accepting any further employees onto an existing scheme.

Internal audits [3.16] – trusts with an annual revenue income of over £50 million should (and from 1 September 2025 must) deliver “internal scrutiny” through an in-house auditor or a bought-in audit service. It is advised that trusts of this size take steps to ensure the necessary scrutiny is in place before it becomes a requirement in 2025. Trusts must also keep its approach to internal scrutiny under review.

Notice to Improve [6.6] – a Notice may now be issued if a trust is ‘failing to manage their school estate and maintain it in a safe working condition strategically and effectively’.

Helpfully, the Handbook also now includes a ‘Schedule of Musts for 2024’, compiling the Academy Trust Handbook requirements into one list (linked here.)

For more information please click here.

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The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill introduced to Parliament

The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill seeks to increase preparedness for, and protection from, terrorist attacks at public venues.

The Bill, also referred to as ‘Martyn’s Law’, is in in tribute to Martyn Hett who was killed alongside 21 others in the 2017 Manchester Arena attack. The proposed legislation hopes to ensure venues prioritise the security of the public to a greater extent, and take steps to mitigate harm.

As set out in the Bill, those responsible for the premises will be required to fulfil necessary steps, according to their capacity, to ensure public safety. This includes a tiered approach, linked to the size of the venue, capacity numbers and the activity taking place, making sure undue burdens are not placed on small businesses.

The Government has stated that following Royal Assent, businesses will be given time and support to understand and implement their new obligations. This is said to include dedicated guidance to aid businesses in the transitional period.

For more information please click here.

Upcoming Events

Webinar: The New Procurement Act

Join us for The New Procurement Act webinar on Thursday 3rd October between 2pm – 4pm.

Our expert procurement lawyers will discuss:

  • Latest developments in case law;
  • The transition from the existing procurement rules to the new Act;
  • Using the new competitive flexible procedure and what this involves;
  • Minimising risk of challenge through good evaluation and moderation;
  • Getting standstill letters/assessment summaries right;
  • Dealing with document creation and retention; and
  • Disclosure in procurement challenges – now and under the Procurement Act.

To register your place, please click here.

Webinar: PFI Update

Join us for our PFI Update on Tuesday 5th November between 10:30am – 12:30pm.

During this session, our experts will explore best practices for the daily management of PFI contracts, review recent case studies, and discuss lessons learned from recent PFI contract expiries.

We will also cover effective strategies and timescales for managing contract expiries, examine potential threats of insolvency from Project Co (with insights from a special guest leading counsel), and delve into PFI case law. Additionally, the session will address the latest trends in dispute resolution.

To register your place, please click here.

Please note that this briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.

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