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Mental health in the workplace

Today marks World Mental Health Day and this year's focus is on mental health in the workplace.

The world of mental health has experienced great change in the last number of years, with an increasing number of people feeling more able to openly discuss the once taboo subject. However, despite this increased awareness many of those who experience a mental health problem still face stigma and discrimination in the workplace.

It is estimated that poor mental health is responsible for more than 70 million lost working days each year. By better understanding and supporting employees who suffer from mental illness, employers may help reduce the duration of mental health related absences in their workplace and may reduce the risk of disability discrimination claims.  This can only be in an employer’s interest as studies show staff with good mental health are more likely to perform well and be engaged in their work.

Earlier this month ACAS published a new guidance booklet which sets out how employers can promote positive mental health in the work place and should be used as a starting point for promoting mental health awareness. This guidance can be found here.

How Ward Hadaway can help

To discuss how our experts can advise on managing mental health in the workplace, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Graham Vials or a member of the Employment Team.

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