Procurement in a nutshell – revisiting the Light Touch regime
12th February, 2016
Procurement in a Nutshell has now reached its first year and we will be recapping and celebrating our first anniversary with highlights and updates on some of our favourite and most informative Nutshells.
Before the New Year, we discussed the new European procurement thresholds, available here. As such, we have decided to look back at one of our most popular previous Nutshells on the Light Touch Regime. The Light Touch Regime is set out at regulations 74 to 77 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and applies to contracts for health, social and other related services listed in Schedule 3 which are above the value of £589,148.
Over the past year the Light Touch Regime has been the source of various queries directed at our team, in particular the advertisement requirements regarding the publication of notices prescribed under regulation 75.
The provisions of the Light Touch Regime highlight many relevant considerations that are to be considered when awarding a contract for Schedule 3 services, including:
- ensuring quality, continuity, accessibility, affordability, availability and comprehensiveness of the services;
- the needs of different users, including disadvantaged and vulnerable groups;
- the involvement and empowerment of users; and
- innovation.
The Light Touch Regime was the first time that there has been a specific regime in relation to what were Part B services under the old 2006 Public Contracts Regulations.
It is important that almost a year on from their initial publication, Contracting Authorities are aware of the changes and are utilising the regime effectively.
You can remind yourself of our Nutshell on the subject here.
How can I find out more?
If you have any queries on the issues raised or on any aspect of procurement, please contact us via our procurement hotline on 0191 204 4464.
Please note that this briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.
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