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Video: Housing Management Law School Spring/Summer term 2022

A recording of the Housing Management Law School Spring / Summer term 2022 is now available to watch.

During this session, we featured a roundup of recent case reports, regulatory and legislative changes in the social housing world.

Watch Below

Our revision topic this term was abandonment and tenancy fraud, both being issues in which we have seen a marked increase in recent months. In this session we looked at how to deal with tenant absence, unauthorised sub-lettings and how to recover possession of property.

The hot topic for the Spring session was the Dampness, Condensation and Disrepair update. We discussed what lessons can be learned following the Ombudsman report and where is there room for improvement?

A recording of the Law School is available below to watch at your leisure. We hope it is insightful and informative for those Registered Providers of Social Housing across the country, and that it can assist with the training of their housing management staff, providing legal knowledge that is essential to their roles.

For any further information please get in touch.

Please note that this briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.

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