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Video: Practical guidance on making redundancies

No employer wants to consider having to make redundancies.

Whether in response to difficulties following a challenging financial climate, or a business restructure to improve efficiency, unfortunately most organisations will find themselves having to consider the dreaded ‘R’ word at some stage.

There are traps at every turn when conducting a redundancy exercise, with a very real danger of unfair dismissal claims for employers who get things wrong.

In the video Tom Shears and Claire Hutchinson explain the process of handling the tricky issues such as:

  • The initial announcement and how to minimise the disruption to the workforce whilst the process takes place.
  • The main risk areas around selection pools and the scoring criteria.
  • What Employment Tribunals look for when deciding whether consultation was genuine and meaningful.
  • How to deal with employees who are on maternity leave or long-term sickness absence.

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Please note that this briefing is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.

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Tom Shears

Managing Associate | Employment

+44 (0) 330 137 3175

+44 (0) 774 040 5735

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Claire Hutchinson

Solicitor | Employment

+44 (0)330 137 3180

+44 (0)759 578 1841

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