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Joseph is a Solicitor in the Health and Care Advisory Team, undertaking inquest, Court of Protection and regulatory/procedural compliance work in the Health, Care and Blue Light sectors.

Joseph advises clients with respect to inquests and coronial matters, including obtaining witness statements, advising on disclosure, and representing clients in the Coroners’ Court at inquests and case management (pre-inquest review) hearings.

He also advises on all matters relating to the Mental Capacity Act and mental health law, including applying for authorisations for deprivations of liberty under section 21 MCA, advising on the legal aspects of decisions with regards to the assessment of capacity and best interest decisions, and advising in contested serious medical treatment disputes.

He has also advised clients, including care homes and NHS Trusts, on their confidentiality and disclosure obligations under the Data Protection Act and on their applicable professional standards frameworks and procedures in light of ongoing medicolegal developments. He additionally assists in the preparation and provision of training in all such areas.



  • Advised in relation to the legality of administration of non-consensual fertility treatment for a non-capacitous patient
  • Advised in relation to a Care Provider’s legal obligations following broad Freedom of Information access requests
  • Assisted a client in respect of one of the first reported inquests for a COVID-19 vaccine related death

Expertise: Services

Public & Third Sector

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