Clear and understandable advice always accessible Stuart Craig
Our specialist healthcare team of expert lawyers is here to help. We work across the public sector, including individuals and organisations and as part of our offering, deliver a full legal service to GPs.
We understand your world, and can advise on everything from partnership agreements, practice mergers and regulatory issues to premises acquisitions and developments, GP federations, PCNs, employment and everything in between.
We combine our full service offering with a breadth and depth of experience in the healthcare sector, and an acute focus on achieving the best outcome for you.
- Vast experience of preparing partnership deeds and retirement
- Assisting practices in resolving disputes with partners and former partners
- Structuring GP provider “federations”
- Advice in relation to PCNs
- Practice acquisitions
- Advising GP practices and federations on the rules and procedures applicable to the procurement of NHS-funded services
- Advising on numerous practice business structures and succession arrangements
- Advising on CQC matters including CQC registrations, preparing for CQC inspections and CQC challenges
- Dealing with property transfers, buying, selling, developing and leasing premises
- Advising GP practices on leases with NHS Property Services and other landlords including litigation advice on historic arrangements, lease status, dilapidation claims and other disputes
- Advising on developments of health centres including third party and LIFT buildings where we have acted for the developer on the Funding, construction and procurement, the CCGs/PCTs and councils as procuring bodies as well as GPs, Council and Trusts as tenants
- Acting on sale and leaseback transactions
- Advising on the application of the 2013 Premises Directions in relation grants, lease approval etc.
- Acting on partnership reorganisations and mortgaging of GP premises
- Advising on FOI and Data Protection
- Advising practices on all employment issues
- Represented GPs in defending complex, multipartisan, clinical negligence actions