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British Expat Divorce in the UAE

Divorce is a complex process, and more so if you’re based in Dubai or the UAE.

If you are living abroad and looking for a divorce lawyer in Dubai or the UAE we’re here to help. Our team of specialist expat divorce lawyers has expertise advising individuals living overseas and considering dissolving their marriages.

If you or your partner were born or have any connections to England, you may be able to divorce through the English Courts.

There are benefits for divorcing in England and Wales. The remedies available include lifelong financial support, division of all assets including pensions (often equally) regardless of whose name they are in and a potential to investigate monies in trusts and companies. The UAE is very different, one main difference being spousal maintenance is only awarded for a maximum term of 12 months.

The legal complexities on divorce, finances, child arrangements (custody) as an Expat mean you need a solicitor experienced in divorce in Dubai or UAE at your side. Our leading team of expatriate divorce lawyers have advised numerous Expats and are on hand to answer any questions you have, and, to support you every step of the way.

Any expatriate married couple facing the prospect of divorce will encounter three crucial questions:

  • Where can I divorce?
  • Where should I divorce?
  • What are the remedies in the UK and UAE?

Did you know if you or your partner were born or have any connections to England then you may be able to divorce through the English Courts.

Do you fall into one of the following 7 categories:

  • You and your spouse are habitually residents in England or Wales.
  • You or your spouse lived in England or Wales and one of you still lives there.
  • You wish to commence the divorce and your spouse lives in England or Wales.
  • You wish to commence the divorce and you have lived in England or Wales for 1 year.
  • You wish to commence the divorce and you have lived in England or Wales for 6 months, and you are domiciled in England or Wales.
  • You and your spouse are both domiciled in England or Wales.
  • Either you OR your spouse is domiciled in England or Wales, and no other EU country has jurisdiction under 1-6 above.

We’re here to help. To discuss your needs in more detail, get in touch. Our divorce lawyers act with the utmost integrity and are happy to have a no-obligation discussion about your situation. Get in touch today.

To ask about your own circumstances, please complete the form and we will be in touch to find out more

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    Contact a specialist

    Christine Barker

    Consultant | Family & Matrimonial

    +44 (0) 330 137 3226

    +44 (0) 783 143 0922

    Email Christine Barker

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    Liz Bottrill

    Partner | Family & Matrimonial

    +44 (0) 330 137 3225

    +44 (0)784 177 7157

    Email Liz Bottrill

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    Andrea Dyer

    Partner | Family & Matrimonial,

    +44 (0) 330 137 3216

    +44 (0)793 919 1880

    Email Andrea

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    Gemma Iceton

    Partner | Family & Matrimonial

    +44 (0) 330 137 3217

    +44 (0) 793 604 2633

    Email Gemma

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