We have sent a significant number of our high value cases and the collection performance has been excellent. The cost to our authority has been negligible and this has been crucial given the constant pressures on our budget
A detailed knowledge of Local Government law underpins these organisations. In many cases this knowledge is provided by an in house legal team, supported through external legal partners.
With experience partnering with many local government organisations including Councils, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Combined Authorities and development corporations, we work across the UK.
Our expert working knowledge encompasses a wide range of areas in which local authorities become involved including economic development, regeneration, procurement, education, environment, judicial review, highways, planning and vires issues.
Through our multi-disciplinary teams, we offer a full range of services including rates recovery, safeguarding and child protection, care contracts and housing disrepair.
So when you need a team in your corner with a deep understanding of your world, a focus on what matters in your locality, that delivers value at every opportunity, we’re here to help.
- Acquisition and disposal of land and regeneration
- Charities and Social Enterprise
- Contracts and commercial agreements
- Debt collection and rates recovery
- Education
- Employment and HR support
- Environment
- Environmental health / consumer protection
- Funding and grants
- Health and safety
- Inquests and coronial investigations
- Judicial reviews and public consultations
- Local government law
- Mental capacity and Court of protection applications
- Pensions
- Planning, highways and CPO
- Powers, Constitutional and Vires issues
- Procurement and state aid
- Safeguarding Children and adults
- Social Housing