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Children are our future. Nurturing and supporting them is the job of every adult with a responsibility to them, but occasionally particularly sensitive issues arise involving young people.

Whether the issue stems from a dispute within the family over how a child will be raised, their living and financial arrangements or from an external intervention such as from a local authority, our specialist team has significant expertise in dealing with complex, issues involving children. Our focus is always on the child’s welfare, and we place this at the centre of our work.

We act for parents, foster carers and special guardians but also for young people through their Cafcass guardians and directly for children who are old enough. We act in a range of situations, including care proceedings, adoption proceedings, access arrangements, child support and maintenance, family disputes and domestic and international relocation issues.

Wherever possible, our experienced team champions new approaches to resolving issues without the need for litigation. Occasionally, in disputes where parties have been unable to reach an out-of-court resolution, we provide support throughout the process, with a close eye on our number one priority; ensuring the wellbeing and welfare of the young people involved.

So if you’re seeking an experienced team, adept at handling the most sensitive of situations with care and understanding, we’re here for you.

Our services

Living arrangements for children
  • Determining who the child lives with and who they spend time with (formerly known as custody)
  • Disputes over specific issues of a child’s upbringing such as choice of school and consent to medical treatment
  • Relocating domestically or internationally with a child
Maintenance and finance for children
  • Child maintenance
  • Other financial provision for children such as provision of accommodation and to meet other one-off costs
International children matters
  • International child relocation
  • Child abduction
  • Preventative measures to stop a child from being taken abroad
Adoption proceedings
  • Adoption
  • International adoption
  • Step parent adoption
Care and local authority proceedings
  • Care Proceedings and the involvement of Local Authorities
  • Fostering

Contact a specialist

Louise Cannell-Mirza

Partner | Children & Safeguarding

+44 (0) 330 137 3202

Email Louise Cannell-Mirza

Read bio

Andrea Dyer

Partner | Family & Matrimonial,

+44 (0) 330 137 3216

+44 (0)793 919 1880

Email Andrea

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Christine Barker

Consultant | Family & Matrimonial

+44 (0) 330 137 3226

+44 (0) 783 143 0922

Email Christine Barker

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David Burrows

Associate | Family & Matrimonial

+44 (0) 330 137 3211

+44 (0) 773 846 2840

Email David Burrows

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View all contacts

What people say

  • From the very first telephone conversation with her [Gemma Iceton] I felt that I was in safe hands, and I was right. She listened, non-judgmentally and patiently, and it was clear from the start that she understood the legal issues and the emotional impact of the matter.

    Client Quote
  • I have found Ms Iceton’s team are all very well informed of the case should Ms Iceton be unavailable, should I be in need of help or advice. The team are all very efficient, professional and give relevant advice. They all work together to collate and provide information which helps to keep costs down and are very thorough in their individual roles.

    Legal 500, client quote
  • Excellent Family Law Team, headed up by Jonathan Flower who is a fantastic Solicitor. Jonathan has regularly hosted Legal updates for our local Cafcass team and is very much well thought of and respected Solicitor.

    Legal 500, client quote
  • I would like to recognise, Louise Cannell-Mirza, Nev Zaki, Louise Moorcroft as team members who’s work stands out. Louise and Nev have a level of expertise and deep seated interest in children and family law. Nev has covered cases in Louise absence and her preparation is second to none.

    Legal 500, client quote
  • Louise Cannell-Mirza is a diligent and capable solicitor who works tirelessly for her clients.

    Legal 500
  • They are all very personable and down to earth, yet professional (as you’d expect) which is refreshing. The team keep me well informed of proceedings. They are attentive to my engagement and go to great lengths to ensure proceedings are on track and that I am fully informed at every step on progress. When decisions need to be made at key junctures, the team ensure that they take the time to explain in detail the possible options and likely outcomes or ramifications as a result. Can’t praise the ladies enough!

    Legal 500, client quote
  • I find the staff members extremely motivated, enthusiastic, experienced, knowledgeable, and extremely focused and forensic in approach. The organisation of case work I feel is second to none.

    Legal 500
  • Ward Hadaway LLP are unique due to the quality of service they have provided to me and the children I work with. In my experience they are highly proficient in family law and the standard of legal advice is excellent. The child’s welfare is always at the core of any work/legal advice provided.

    Legal 500
  • I have repeatedly instructed the Family Law team to represent the children I work with as a result of their excellent practice. The team consistently provides a good quality service including legal advice, advocacy and ensuring I have everything I need to fulfill my role. I have always found the team to be a joy to work with.

    Legal 500, client quote