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What are my ongoing duties as a sponsor?

1. Record keeping
Sponsors must ensure they keep clear employment records and operate thorough HR processes. Should UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) make a compliance visit, they may ask to see all relevant documents in relation to sponsored migrants and would expect these to be produced immediately.

2. Reporting
Sponsors are under a duty to report any changes in the sponsored migrant’s circumstances, including:

  • termination of employment
  • change of immigration status (for example being granted leave to remain as a spouse of a British citizen)
  • promotion, change in core duties or change of salary
  • change of place of work.

A sponsor must also notify UKVI if there any major business changes, such as a takeover, merger or de-merger.

These reports must be made within a specified timeframe, usually 10 working days.

Members of our Sponsor Management Service can access free content regarding their reporting and record keeping by contacting us.

3. Compliance with relevant laws
This includes all UK employment law, as well as (for example) complying with data protection and any other regulatory requirements on the particular industry the business operates in.

Prior to an individual starting work all employers (not just those sponsoring migrants) have a duty to ensure individuals have the right to work  in the UK. UKVI will expect a sponsor to be able to produce right to work copy documents on demand. Sponsors will also be expected to have a system to keep track of visa expiry dates of their sponsored employees.

4. Ensuring sponsorship is for a genuine vacancy
Any migrant sponsored under a Skilled Worker visa will be assigned a certificate of sponsorship for a specific vacancy. The vacancy must be a genuine requirement for the business and the migrant should not be employed to undertake any other role within the business other than the one specified in the certificate of sponsorship.

5. Co-operation with UKVI
UKVI takes a proactive approach to ensuring sponsors’ compliance with their ongoing obligations. As such, it will expect the sponsor to allow it to conduct the visit and for any request for information to be complied with within any stated time limits.

We provide training to businesses on their sponsor duties to ensure compliance. For further information, please see here.

Read more about this and other questions in our

Sponsor duties section.


Given the fast pace of change, we would stress that this information is designed to be informative, not advisory and represents our understanding of English law and practice as at the date indicated. We would always recommend that you should seek specific guidance on any particular legal issue.

As a hub, we have included references to articles and explainers from third parties. We have no control over and are not responsible for the content, use by you or availability of those third party websites, for any products or services you buy through those sites or for the treatment of any personal information you provide to the third party.

Our immigration team

Flora Mewies

Flora Mewies

Partner | Employment

Leeds and Manchester

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Alan Kennedy

Director | Employment


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Gillian Burns

Gillian Burns

Associate | Employment


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Natalie Payne

Natalie Payne

Solicitor | Employment

Leeds and Manchester

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Isabelle Cernis

Isabelle Cernis

Solicitor | Employment


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