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What is the eligibility criteria for architecture applicants for the Global Talent visa?

Applications from those in the architecture industry will be reviewed by the Royal Institute of British Architects.

An applicant for endorsement in the field of Architecture must:

  • Be professionally engaged in producing outstanding presented, published or internationally exhibited work
  • Show regular professional engagement in their field in the last 5 years
  • Show either a substantial track record in at least 2 countries if evidencing exceptional talent or show a developing track record in at least 1 country if evidencing exceptional promise

You must meet at least two of the following three criteria:

Exceptional TalentExceptional Promise
1. Provide at least two examples of recent (within the last 5 years) of significant international media recognition for your work in the field of architecture, in at least two countries, one of which can include your country of residence.1. Provide at least two examples of recent media recognition for your work in the field of architecture.
2. Provide proof of having won, or made a significant contribution to winning, at least one international award for excellence in architecture.2. Proof of having, within the last 5 years from the year of application won, or been nominated/shortlisted for, or made a significant contribution to winning, at least one international award for excellence in architecture.
3. Provide proof of having work published or exhibited in the last 5 years in contexts which are recognised as internationally significant in the field of architecture. Proof must come from at least one country other than your country of residence and must demonstrate a minimum of two publications or exhibitions of your work.3. Proof of having work published or exhibited in the last five years in contexts which are recognised as internationally significant in the field of architecture. Proof must come from at least one country (which can include your country of residence) and must demonstrate a minimum of two publications or exhibitions of your work.

Read more about this and other questions in our

Global Talent section.


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